I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone
Throwback 2012 Story
|| 19:12
Hai everyone.
Rasa rasa macam dah lama tak borak panjang panjang minum
coffee dan makan biscuit kering. Hahahaha. Sebenarnya dah tak tahu nak start
pada mana sebab banyak cerita bila kumpul semua dan nak diceritakan dalam satu
masa. Bagus Syakirah buat lagi kerja tangguh tangguhkan (Y) Hahahaha.
Okay let’s me start with story of 2012. Yes, esok dah tahun
baru. Semua dah tahu pasal tahun baru dan Kedah tak ambik cuti. Dan esok class
aku pukul 8 pagi. Indahnya hidup class start awal dengan tahun baru. Tak
awesome langsung. K. And I’m turning TWENTY.
Yes, twenty okay. Nak cakap sedih tak la jugak. Aku sebenarnya suka bila
dah masuk alam dewasa sebabnya orang akan fikir umur dah meningkat dan budak
ini dah boleh fikir jauh jauh. Hehehehe and I’m happy with that moment. Okay
tutup cerita bab umur tu. Umur dah naik tapi tinggi tak naik nak buat cano?
Hahaha jangan pertikaikan tentang ketinggianku sama sekali. Ayat kalah buku ye
Kyra? Eh eh dah dewasa kan? Ayat pun makin dewasa la :P
Tahun 2012 ada yang special? Biasa je bagi aku sebanya dah
masuk sem4 ni so dah dua tahun jadi student diploma. Benda biasa nak hadap
orang yang macam macam perangai. Bak kata orang Kedah “Macam macam lagu aih
perangai yang ada” Lebih kurang macam tu. Eh eh tadi dah tahu nak start dari
mana dan sekarang bila dah start tulis ni laju kemain. Kalaulah idea banyak
macam ni time buat assignment Oh indahnya hidup! :D
Bila throwback cerita cerita 2012, ada yang lawak and ada
yang sedih. Hehehe biasa hidup. Kalau tak, tak nama hidup la kan? Mesti ada
susah senang. Cerita pahit manis. Tapi kalau cerita kat collage macam banyak
pahit sebab belajar apa yang senang kan? Diri sendiri pun sakit weh bila
belajar benda baru. Hehehe.
Dan sekarang (7.01pm) masih lagi tahun 2012. Masih lagi umur
19 tahun (kira umur tak ikut bulan tapi ikut tahun) hehehe. Dah makin tua makin
boleh berubah secara matang dari semua seluruh hidup. Cara bercakap, cara
bergaul, cara berkawan dan dalam semua cara dalam hidupku. Harus berubah!
Harus! Demi masa depan dan untuk diri yang semakin dewasa dengan rencah hidup
yang pelbagai lagi. See? Ayat taknak kalah buku weh! Lawak Kampun pun guna
bahasa rojak je weh. Hahaha okay then nanti sambung lagi. Bye!
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It Doesn't Mean I Fake a Smile, I'm Not Strong Deep Down Inside. I'm Much More Than That
12/12/2012 || 02:12
Hai everyone.
Some part of me, is fake. The smile I put on my face, sometimes I do feel as if i'm faking it most of the time. Why ? Because I don't want people to see me get hurt, I don't want them to see me cry. At the end of the day, each and everyday before I go to bed, only God knows how much pain i'm trying to bare just to wake up in the morning and act as if nothing ever happened.
Note to self, Syakirah:
For every heartache, heartbreak, heartthrobbing moments, it will always be your lesson in life.
You can't please everyone to accept who you really are. The ones that accepts your flaws, will always be the one that deserves you best. Even if it may hurt at times, but you will get through it no matter what.
You are stronger than you think, wiser than you can even believe. It's just that you shall learn more and more about yourself day by day. Know yourself. Love yourself. If you can't, then you will never be ready to love anyone else as much as you should love yourself.
I have people around me. But most of the time, I chose to stand on my own. That's why I don't wanna expect people to be with me during my bad times. I wanna teach myself how to stand on my own. So that when the time comes, that no one is there for me, I can get myself back up. I may cry hundreds litres of tears, but at the end of the day, I will always be that one strong girl deep inside.
Syakirah, setiap apa yang berlaku sentiasa ada hikmahnya. Jangan berhenti berdoa. Jangan menyerah kalah. You live for a purpose, and the purpose is not giving up. Try harder. Be wiser. Even if it hurts. You can deal with it no matter what. Believe. Believe. And just believe.
Yang kenal diri sendiri sepenuhnya, setiap liku liku kehidupan diri aku. Ialah aku. Dan aku tetap berbangga dengan diri aku sendiri. Why ? Because I've been knocked down plenty of times. But, I still chose to stand up on my own. Itu kekuatan diri aku. Yang orang anggap lemah. Tapi bukan pada aku. Sebab aku percaya dengan diri aku sendiri.
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03/12/2012 || 23:32
" Trust is earned, I can't just magically hand it over."
" You are amazing, and you deserve better."
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I'll Find My Way Back Into You in a Jiffy.
|| 23:32
I don't give up easily, I fight for what I want. It takes a lot for me to actually give up on something or even more, someone. I can't just throw away all my hard work and time that I've thrown myself in to.
I can't just give up because times are hard, especially if that person means so much to me. I told you i'm not a quitter. I will keep fighting for what I want untuk I can't fight anymore, until giving up is the only option that is left. Did you remember, "I won' give up on us?"
I know you've done the biggest mistake, so let me have some time to think. Let me heal, and I'll find my way back into you in a jiffy.
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